Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It Only Seems Quiet

Actually, we've had quite an interesting buzz this Summer. First, Olaiya and I were contacted by a wonderful woman from The Garden State looking to initiate her own Little Spark organization. We traded tips and gave her our hearty blessing to create a similar project in her own home town of Princeton. Over the years, we've had a few suggestions/offers to expand our project. While we've always been flattered, part of the appeal is to keep this a small, intimate backyard affair. After having spoken with this woman (who will hopefully keep us apprised of her progress) our new theory is that Little Spark doesn't need to grow into a big organization with a board of advisers and charity auctions, etc. But if people want to copy our model and Little Sparks pop up around the world doing similar work... then we'll be thrilled!

Secondly, we were contacted by some local folks that are involved with a wonderful project: an orphanage in Kenya that takes care of children who have lost their parents to HIV. They have sent us some incredible materials detailing their efforts and photographs of the site. Olaiya and I are hoping to meet with them soon and talk about the possibility of Little Spark contributing to their cause as well as Women for Women.

Much of this attention came our direction after the last Little Spark collaboration. Brandon and Molly were fabulous hosts... seating 20+ folks at their new restaurant Delancey. And Molly even gave us some ink over at her fantastic blog Orangette. We both owe them a big debt of thanks and have been very happy to have heard from excellent strangers in Seattle and beyond that want to get involved.

As autumn approaches, O and I will roll out a couple of new Little Spark dinner events. Stay tuned for details in the upcoming Little Spark newsletter. We hope to see you soon!

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